Leadership at Plum Health DPC

I have this grainy copy of a photo of a document above my desk that serves as a reminder about leadership and how I operate my business at Plum Health DPC. I look at it every day, and it helps me focus on how I conduct myself to create a successful organization. I thought I’d share it with you today!

Notes on Leadership, a reminder to myself:

1. Lead by example.
2. Lead by principles.
3. Surround yourself with great people.
4. Set clear goals and communicate them well.
5. Actions speak louder than words.
6. Know your business from the ground up.
7. Understand the business cycles of your industry.
8. Be entrepreneurial and nimble.
9. Don't be afraid to take risks.
10. Think long-term, despite short-term pressures.
11. Listen and respond to employees, customers, and stakeholders.
12. Learn from your mistakes.
13. Be an optimist.
14. Find balance.

Notes on Leadership at Plum Health DPC


Médica Hispanohablante, Plum Health DPC en Detroit


Blood Lead Level Testing for Children and Adults in Detroit