Plum Health Blog

Detroit, Education, Family Medicine Paul Thomas Detroit, Education, Family Medicine Paul Thomas

Ganglion Cyst Drainage in Detroit

Ganglion Cyst Drainage at Plum Health DPC in Detroit

At Plum Health DPC in Detroit, we take care of a variety of health concerns. We are Family Medicine Specialists and we help our patients with a variety of health problems.

At Plum Health, we perform many procedures. One of those is a Ganglion Cyst Removal. This procedure takes a few minutes but it can be a tremendous relief.

A ganglion cyst is a pocket of fluid that builds up adjacent to a tendon. The Fluid inside the cyst is viscous and clear. The ganglion cysts are usually not painful, but they can be irritating if you wear a watch. They can also cause people to be self conscious or to wear long sleeves to cover them up.

At our clinic, we clean off the skin overlying the ganglion cyst and we use an 18 gauge needle to draw out the cystic fluid. This helps to relieve the symptoms for the patient.

After this procedure, there is a 50% chance that the ganglion cyst will resolve. For the other 50% of patients, the ganglion cyst will refill. Usually the ganglion cyst will refill slowly over time.

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