Plum Health Blog

Detroit, Education, Family Medicine Paul Thomas Detroit, Education, Family Medicine Paul Thomas

Exercise Your Right to Vote in Detroit and Michigan

I truly believe that exercising your right to vote is a very healthy activity.

If you haven't already voted absentee or by mail, please take the time today to vote.

Michigan has an excellent Voter Information Center, here:

Here are the big issues they tackle on the website:

Where are my clerk’s offices?

Where are my ballot drop boxes?

Where is my polling place?

How to Register to vote?

You can still register to vote on election day if you haven't yet.

If you lack access to transportation, our friends at The Detroit Bus Company are giving people free rides to the polls. If you need a ride to the polls, or if you want to volunteer to give a ride to the polls, head to this link:

If you are in Detroit and experience any intimidation, please call the NAACP Voter Intimidation Hotline: 313-644-2424

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

- Dr. Paul Thomas

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