Direct Primary Care in New Center

Today, Plum Health Direct Primary Care will be up in New Center at TechTown Detroit. This will be a part of "The Shop" at TechTown, where local entrepreneurs are featured on a rotating basis. 

This month's theme is health-related businesses, so we are excited to participate! If you don't know about Plum Health DPC, we deliver affordable accessible healthcare services in Detroit and beyond. This is a great time to learn more about the service and have your questions answered.

If you don't know about TechTown, it is a small business ecosystem that doesn't focus on tech-only, as the name may imply. It is billed as "the most established business accelerator in Detroit. Its work supports industry verticals that are specific to the region's inherent assets". 

Additionally, this is where I took the Retail Boot Camp course, which helped prepare me to start and run my business. 

Thanks for reading and watching,

- Dr. Paul Thomas with Plum Health Direct Primary Care


Common Criticisms of Direct Primary Care


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